Prudhoe H.S. Tours Result

1 J Brown----1013-677
2 J Brown---- 422-758

Hamilton and District

1st Clark bros--904ypm
2nd --3rd--4th--J Mc kenna anfd sons 823,635,425
5th Clark bros 358.

Tours 23rd June 2017 Federation Winners

Sacriston. Gribben Heath & Emmerson. 1157 and 1123
Consett. Jamie Brown. Time 5.01
West Durham. Knighton & grandson. 906
Crook. S Guthrie. 850
Newcastle D Young. 721
Deerness Valley Clark Bros. Time. 6.25
Annfield Plain R Westgarth. Time. 8.07
Cockfield. D Lamb
Darlington. Garbutt & Son.
Tyne Derwent. No information

Fantastic performance from the Sacriston guys , well done to them and all who have birds back

Alan Brown .


Total crap at work in meeting between 10-11 thanks very much

Tours: Jobes bros and Stephenson

Jobes bros and Stephenson 6:51am this morning from Tours. Well done lads.


Billericay birds HELDOVER
Going for a 6-30 liberation in the morning

Billericay Yearling Classic 25th June 2017

No word until 10,00 not good on site

Alan Brown

Billericay Yearling Classic Sunday 25th June 2017

No word until 9.00 ,

Alan Brown

Tours 23/6/17

1.knighton.grandson 906.619
2.lynas.bros,genner 792.325 766.781
4.s.m.jordan 759.534
5.tray.bros 742.327 570.770


s.m.jordan 11x2249 c c conset show vol 759.534


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