Tyne & Derwent 2 Bird Club Result Arras

22/07/18 LIB 7.00 WSW WIND
1 SHIELD BROS WIN 16TD1188 372/988 15.59.57 1214.38 £263.64
2 FANTARROW & GREEN S.M 16AP321 368/101 15.54.23 1212.2 £175.40
3 B.HOPPER/SON G,S 16TD2714 374/1307 16,06.09 1207.63 £87.70
G.LUCAS/GDTR W 16TD419 373/1219 16,09.39 1196.57.

Well done all.

New regulation reagarding Newcastle Disease

Brian has circulated an email to federation secretary’s from APHA all members must sign a declaration each week before the birds are accepted to go on the transporter

I have ordered a supply of forms but for this week have asked Fed Sec’s to print some , please don’t blame the drivers or officials it’s a directive given to us

Alan Brown

High spen mid week club--vale of derwent

Well lads the temperature was off the scale in my small garden
Old bird result ---birds were liberated at 15.10

1st 8th and 9th---A Slee and G/Daughter--1454,1411,1411 ypm
2nd 3rd and4th ---jobes bros and Stephenson--1453,1453,1450 ypm
5th and 7th -and a return to form Fedor Babak--1450ypmand 1424 ypm
6th and 10th --Smith /Ovington --1444,1410 ypm


Thurs,7.45 rang s,meadows,m,wade and Alan brown,vote 3-0 to go,
5.30, went to yard,picking wagon up then off to cockfield, and west durham feds, back to yard to put trailor on,setting off at,8.30 pm ,picking up Darlington fed up.ariving at dover for 3,45.watering the birds.
FRI.,arriving on site for 8 am.birds rewatered and opened up by 8.30 am.


Are the group's with the youngbirds same as in book still

3Cs Arras 22nd July 2018

1 Caine Bros & Son vel 1140pooled £2 pools £12 prize £3 total £15

2 Mr Mrs Brown & Ptn. Vel 1084

Alan Brown

High spen mid week club--vale of derwent

Birds basketed this morning for any age race --5 members sent young birds so lets see what tonights result looks like .
Everyone seems to be training but behind on other years.


The former scribe "The Fed Man" better known as Trevor Peairs of Cockfield Fed passed away on the 23rd of July 2018. He was still talking about pigeons right up to his final breath.

Yours in the sport.
Kevin Peairs

WDA Wetherby /Wakefield Friday 27th July 2018 pick up times

Tynedale. 6.00
Prudhoe. 6.30
Chopwell. 6.45
Shotley Bridge 7.00
Medomsley. 7.10
Leadgate. 7.20
Delves. 7.30

Lemington. 6.00
Benwell. 6.30
Scotswood. 6.45
Greenside. 7.00
Winlaton. 7.30
Highfield. 7.15

Burhopfield. 6.00
Annfield Plain. 6.10
South Moor. 6.20
Burnhope. 6.30
Langley Park. 6.45
Hamilton. 7.00
Bearpark. 7.15
New Brancepeth 7.30


Will we be going Thursday for final pre season toss weather permitting or are we only having 3 pre season chucks
Thanks Alan Todd


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