Guernsey Race

Dear Mr Ford

My name is John Pickersgill and I fly in Willington Prospect and I do not take kindly to threats or intimidation of being expelled from this site for merely stating my thoughts. I am not part of any misinformation brigade and NOBODY influences me one way or another.

I stand by my statement that all federation officials or for that matter all members of the WDA wish those flying from Guernsey the best of luck for a good race.

The fact one federation secretary has stated the race will not be frown for federation points does not mean that that person means ill will to those taking part, I do not know Mr Vince but know he is a good pigeon fancier and would not wish ill will on anyone flying this race. I therefore think you owe him an apology.

I have read your post and quite frankly it compounds my previous statement of childish and petulant behaviour.

It is full of Corn Bin tittle tattle, gossip of I said, she said, he said, they said, Tom, Dick or Harry said. To publicly state that you will not speak to an elected Federation secretary absolutely dumfounds me. This is the attitude of schoolchildren in the play ground and again reinforces my statement of childish behaviour.

So lets get to one Fact right at the AGM nobody voted to put a Guernsey race on. They voted for you to do a feasibility assessment of costs etc and bring those findings back to a WDA meeting so that delegates could decide whether to have a race or not.

Could you please publish the time and date and minutes of that subsequent meeting and what was decided.

Finally I may be new to the sport flying my first year on my own but have kept and flown pigeons since 1966 taking a break due to employment duties. I am not a keyboard warrior I am prepared to stick my head above the parapet to be shot at but at the moment I can only say of what I see and that is the way the WDA is being run at the moment is a joke.

Yours In Sport
J. Pickersgill