north west / cold fresh wind .....sunny while awaiting birds / clouding in after clocking / some lads report heavy shower passing by ??
Just ,Sat down to do result for fed at 16.00hr after collecting baskets from Barton with the Mrs .bearing in mind the birds were back at 12.30hrs...after taking the baskets to meet 10.00pm Fri....with Luggie who was not even sending . sat here wondering why we bother ..? Forget to write timed in !time !!,,,on club notice board while trying to arrange collection of baskets & the moaning starts !!!!!! AH WELL !!!
1st ........G barker & son...................1345.3
2nd........Mr Mrs Bell..........................1278.0
3rd.........G Barker & Son.....................1272.2
4th.........Browne / Moore....................1264,6
5th.........M&M bell...............................1261.7
6th.........M&M bell................................1261.4
7th.........G Barker /son
8th.........G Barker / son
9th.........M& M Bell
10th ......M&M Bell
171 birds / 7 baskets......returns very good / in cold wind ...
all pools G Barker & Son
champ club
2....M & Bell
3.....R Dixon
4......browne / moore
looking on WDA site Geds is fastest so far !!! (19.35pm ) fingers crossed GED !!.......