charity sale at the arch club southmoor

Possible liberation site Castleford

Peter Mathews had a conversation with Vince Border about a possible liberation site in Castleford

Castleford is located just north of Pontefract

Peter and Vince visited the site this morning , the site itself was on a hill with clear views for many miles to the north ,however the access to the site for our vehicles was totally unsuitable , so we will keep on trying

Alan Brown

Young bird program

Had a fellow fancier drop in for a tea ----he does every week and likes to know if anything is happening ,so told him race program was passed and the last race had been removed---his exact words were "is th closed season not long enough"
Improve racing by not racing ---well moan over .

Trevor Peairs ,

Today I had the pleasant task of visiting Trevor to present him with the Major L Lewis MBE Memorial Trophy .

This trophy belongs to the Confederation of Long Distance Racing Pigeon Unions of Great Britain and Ireland ,it is given to each union in turn to award a fancier for his involvement with racing pigeons . This year is the N.E,H.U turn to have the trophy and at Tuesday nights General Purpose and Finance Committee it was unanimously agreed to award it to Trevor

Who to send e mails to objecting to WDA AGM scenario

Brian Ford --could you post email address where members can send their views as to why due process was in their opinion not carried out.

Brian i agree with your suppersition that the majority of the membership dont want a single lib for the first four young bird race and therefore expect it to go back to members---can i suggest that it is kept simple ,
Choose one of the following.

DO YOU WANT SOMETHING ELSE (to be discussed and agreed upon)

W.D,A. --Annual General Meeting Part 2

Proposals for AGM---
Was the proposal put forward by annfield plain and tyne and derwent voted on?
I am led to believe it was not but was adopted with no voting as last proposal and all previous proposal failed.
If this is the case then the AGM has not been chaired correctly and the membership demand that as it was on the agenda as a proposal it must be voted on.
If this is the case the AGM has not finished and must be reconvened at a later date.
My apologies if i have been misinformed


The question is; if 7 or 8 Feds wanted to go in groups for the first 4 YB races why did they not vote to re-instate Rule 13b back into the Rules, allowing Feds to organise groupings with other feds?

Was it an oversight by Feds and/or Delegates not realising that this had to be passed to allow the grouping selections to be made as proposed further down the agenda?

Our Fed was one of the two who supported the motion to be liberated all together so voted against the re-instatement.

Voting and decisions made in Wda

Can I just say not slagging or on any side. I am not so fussed on single libb would rather of seen east west anyway. The decision for single libb was voted on by members of the wda at the WDA AGM. How can there now be special meetings etc to over turn the decisions made at the WDA AGM. Surley if it's voted on and passed that's it. For example if we go north south split. Do all the people who voted to go up together have a special meeting or east west. I do think in current climate voting system is about our dated. I bet half the people that's not happy never went to club meeting etc.

RE all up together young birds

I as cockfield fed delegate have been in conversation with each of our clubs regarding this situation, our fed voted on a split decision to go for north and south I can now confirm after discussions today with all above that cockfield fed will have a special meeting and will put an official objection to the wda regarding the situation our chairman Mr Alan brown has been informed at no time did our members suggest who had to be in these groups this would have been for each fed to decide we also thought it was more about getting the birds home than dragging them over certain areas to gain an

WDA Agm 1st Feb

Some items from last night


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