Can you help run the marking for the Channel races??

"All members of the NEHU".

As we progress towards the Old Bird season now is the time for those members of the Durham Combine, New North Amalgamation, West Durham Amalgamation and Up North Combine who will be competing from France to step forward and inform the Union office of their availability to help run race marking at Sappers Corner.

Without members stepping up to run the marking station and mark the pigeons, race marking will not be completed in time to meet the scheduled departure to catch the ferry at Portsmouth.

Obviously we will need to have members who are competent and willing to run the ETS tables for the different systems.

It is likely we will need:

1 Bricon Club system + printer

1 Tauris Club System + printer

1 Benzing Club system + printer

3 or 4 Unikon Club systems + printers

(The exact number will be confirmed once we have the final numbers of lofts using each system).
If you are competent in operating the Club system for your ETS system and are intending to race from France please notify the NEHU Office.

Time slots will be allocated to each Feds members based on distance travelled and ETS system used.

Clock checking stations will also be required to be identified in advance for members to get their clocks struck off at to remove the requirement for members to travel back to Sappers Corner.

Anyone volunteering to run a clock station will need to inform the NEHU office in advance and each clock station will need sufficient officials to strike the clocks within NEHU rules.

Richard Wade Vice President
