ONCE again have managed to attract the following adverts for the wda hand book for 2015,NORTH road garage darlington,W redfern posts/rails fencing,Peter ditchburn decorating contractor,L dowson photography,B cheetham roofing,T N Commercails,Custom design,
Import car parts,Frank hudson transport,Tburns fencing,Dobsons marquees,City electrical factors,Upright construction,Wards autos,
J B caravans,C A roofing,Swift timber homes,Robinsons group concreteing,Knox wilkin+co feeds,Hawthorns,Moorveiw windows,
Joe lynas plastering,J denham scrap metals,Alphine window systems .Tony clark tiling .Alan brown has also got some to add to list.SEDRIC from deerness valley has also secured some adverts.IT looks as iff we will bring in around £1500.ONCE the hand books are out could the members please look at these adverts and iff needing any of the services please contact them and get a quote.